1743 “Doctrina pandectarum, ex ipsis fontibus legum Romanarum depromta et usui fori accommodate” by Jakob Friedrich Ludovici,
(translation) “The doctrine of the Pandects, borrowed from the very sources of the Roman laws, and adapted to the use of the market”
Condition: excellent
Language: Latin
dimensions: ~7in X 4.25in (17.5cm x 11cm)
Provenance: originally from the Richard Francois Philippe Brunck collection (1729- 1803), a French classical scholar. He took part in the Seven Years War as military commissary. At the age of thirty he returned to Strasbourg to resume his studies. He spent fortunes to publish editions of the Greek classics. At the outbreak of the French Revolution (1789-1799), in which he took an active part, Brunck was imprisoned at Besancon. Upon his release, Richard Francois Philippe Brunk was forced to sell a large portion of his original library to cover his living expense.
Author: Jakob Friedrich Ludovici was a 17th-century German jurist. Very little is known about him. One of his surviving works was Doctrina Pandectarum (The doctrine of the Pandects) , most likely written while he was a law professor at Geissen. Under request of Emperor Justinian, The doctrines of the Pandects were published in 533 AD and gave statutory force to the Byzantine Empire. Early in the 19th century the term Pandectists was applied to the historical school of Roman-law scholars in Germany who resumed the scientific study of the Pandects. The work was heavily influenced by Justinian’s Corpus of Civil Law.
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