English 15th Century Sword – Victorian copy (88105)

Victorian copy of English 15th C. sword, German  

provenance: Private collection, Germany  

Condition: good 

Length: 102 cm 

This Victorian replica is modelled after a single-handed late Medieval 15th century Italian arming sword. In terms of typology, this sword is nearly identical to one currently present in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, identified by Ewart Oakeshott in his seminal work The Sword in the Ages of Chivalry as a unique version of a Type XV (see Plate 24 in The Sword in the Ages of Chivalry, 1997 edition). Both the museum version and this Victorian copy share characteristics of the Type XV (such as the stiff, cut-and-thrust blade), however, both have handles that are a touch too long for the proportions of the blade to be a standard Type XV. In addition, both the museum piece and the Victorian copy are paired with a J type pommel and uniquely curved guard, as well as sharing unique blade characteristics which will be discussed shortly.

The pommel of this particular piece is aged brass with no visible peen block, and a brass fillet at the base of the handle. The curved guard with furled ends is of brightly polished steel with relatively light touches of older corrosion, prevented at some earlier date from progressing further, also with a fillet at the

handle. The handle is of polished wood and is in excellent condition. The blade itself has been given the acid-wash treatment common to Victorian reproductions of this type, resulting in an even and attractive patina free from the pitting that might otherwise mar a sword of this age. However, it is the blade geometry that sets this sword apart. The upper third of this Victorian-forged blade has been flattened, creating a level section that terminates sharply as the spine of the diamond-shaped blade resumes. As a mid-19th century replica, this antique is a unique representation of a Type XV. As Type XV swords have among the broadest possible origins, potentially originating anywhere from late 13th to 15th centuries the creator of the replica could have drawn inspiration from many sources; however, as the identical sword in Oakeshott’s work is identified as being from the 15th century (and that of Italian origin) it is likely that this copy was intended to be representing this derivation as well.



