Fëanor’s Two Handed Sword (#1351)

Fantasy Medieval Sword

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic book The Silmarillion, Fëanor was the most powerful elf who ever lived, so powerful that the dark lord Melkor was afraid of his might. Fëanor was also the first of the elves to forge weapons, and created the first battle ready swords that were used by elves to slay their own kin. The Fëanor Medieval sword is an inspirational piece based on Tolkien’s creation. A two-handed weapon, the long, leaf-shaped blade is evocative of the beautiful designs of fantasy elves while the reach and heft make the Fëanor sword highly effective at real-life combat. Make no mistake, this design is not only art – it is a functional weapon, equal of any of our other battle-ready swords.

Blade: 5160 High Carbon Steel. Dual Tempered HRc 60
48-50 at the core
Guard and pommel: Mild Steel
Total length: 48 3/4″
Blade length: 36.5″
Blade width at base: 2 1/4″
Weight: 3 lbs. 10 oz.
Grip Length: 9″
P.O.B.: 3 3/4”
Thickness: 4.6 mm
Width: 36 mm – 55 mm

