The Skald Norse Sword (#1505)


In Norse culture, skalds were a special class of storyteller, poet, and historian who carried and passed on their people’s mythology. The Darksword Armory Skald is inspired by those keepers of Viking Legend. A long, broad-based blade suitable for the slashing combat style used by Viking raiders terminates in a sharply pointed tip, and is polished to a mirror finish. A 5 lobed pommel design as described by Jakobsson in Krigarideologi och vikingatida svärdstypologi is complimented by a simple cross guard often seen on Type X swords and earlier. Unique Darksword’s design, the skald has a double fuller – rarely seen, if ever, in the historical surviving artifacts. A suitable companion for a warrior poet, the Darksword Armory skald is a crisp and a classic design for fans of Viking weaponry


Blade: 5160 High Carbon Steel. Dual Tempered HRc 60
48-50 at the core
Fittings : Mild Steel
Total Length: 38″
Blade Length : 32″
Weight: 2 lbs. 11 oz.

