The Black Knight Medieval Sword (#1312)

In history and literature, a Black Knight is a mysterious warrior who hides their identity in order to disguise their motives and allegiance. The Darksword Armory Black Knight Sword is a nod to this literary and historical character, blending historical design with a fantasy flare. The straight, tempered, double-edged blade is based on those swords most often carried by the mounted knights of the medieval period. With full tang construction this sword is fully functional, and has been expertly forged and balanced to be an effective and deadly cutting weapon.

More information on the Black Knight Sword, and on the historical and fictional characters that inspired it, can be found below.

Blade: 5160 High Carbon Steel. Dual Tempered HRc 60
48-50 at the core
Total length: 39.5″
Blade length: 32″
Blade width at base: 2″
Weight: 3 lbs 5 oz 


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