The Erland Sword (#1547)



The Erland fantasy sword is the quintessential fantasy sword of the lone warrior. Individually Hand Forged with 5160 High Carbon Steel and dual Hardened, the Erland sword is the new evolved edition of the Guardian Sword. It is a powerful, functional fantasy sword of the ages.

Skilfully engineered to take considerable abuse, the Erland Fantasy sword is a resilient sword that is virtually indestructible! Designed with a dragon claw like guard a broad engraved blade which reads “One Who Rides Alone” , the Erland fantasy sword delivers devastating blows. Inspired by the myths and legends of the fantasy realm, the Erland is a robust and affirmative sword of heroes among mortals!

Blade: 5160 High Carbon Steel. Dual Tempered HRc 60
48-50 at the core
Fittings : Solid Bronze
Thickness: 1.34 mm
Total Length: 44″
Blade Length : 32″
Weight: 4.5 lbs 
