The Sovereign 15th C. Renaissance Sword (#1322)


Taking inspiration from both Medieval French and German swords, the Sovereign is a late 15th century style arming sword with an Oakeshott type XVIII blade. The guard is decorated with a floral French motif, while the pommel is directly cast from a 15th century Katzbalger in the collection of the Sovereign co designer, Eyal Azerad.

Hand forged, the Sovereign’s blade is made from 5160 steel and deferentially heat treated to a Rockwell of 53 at the core and 60 at the cutting edge, giving the sword astounding toughness and flexibility. Light, agile, durable, and sturdy, this is an arming sword that any Medieval soldier would have been proud to call his own.

Blade: 5160 High Carbon Steel. Dual Tempered HRc 60
48-50 at the core
Total length: 41″
Blade length: 32″
Blade width at base: 2″
Guard & Pommel: Solid bronze
Weight: 2 lbs 13oz.


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