Two handed Danish Sword (#1352)

Danish Two Handed Sword
Type XVIIIe, Medieval Sword
fifteenth Century (1410-1500)

The history of Denmark is filled with tumultuous periods of war and strife, conflicts driven by the same political and religious factors that were widespread throughout Medieval and Post-Medieval Europe. Smaller kingdoms were swallowed up by larger, and larger kingdoms splintered apart. The Two-Handed Danish Sword is based on the weapons of this region, specifically on the Oakeshott Type XVIIIe. This distinctive, powerful thrusting sword has been one of our most sought-after designs.

Blade: 5160 High Carbon Steel. Dual Tempered HRc 60
48-50 at the core
Total length: 50″
Blade length: 39″
Blade width: 1.5″
Weight: 2 lbs. 15 oz.
POB: 4 inches (the shoulder)

More information on the Danish Two-Handed Sword and the colorful history of the region in which it emerged can be found below.
